Archive mensuelle janvier 2019


Apple’s FaceTime bug was discovered by a teen playing Fortnite – CNET

The boy’s mother says she tried warning Apple about the flaw for over a week.

Facebook paid teens $20 a month to access their browsing history and DMs – CNET

A TechCrunch report found the social network has been paying teens and adults to install a « Facebook Research » app.

Google takes aim at imposter websites with new Chrome warning – CNET

Because most people don’t notice when they’re at the wrong website.

FTC, Qualcomm give closing arguments in trial over mobile chip licenses – CNET

Now it’s up to Judge Lucy Koh to deliver a verdict in the case that could change the smartphone market.

T-Mobile and Sprint execs to defend merger on Capitol Hill – CNET

Lawmakers are expected to focus on consumer pricing, competition and jobs, but they may also ask about national security concerns.

Apple says there are more than 900 million iPhones in the wild – CNET

It’s the first time Apple has disclosed the number.

Kingdom Hearts 3 review: Disney’s bonkers crossover shouldn’t work (but it totally does) – CNET

Kingdom Hearts 3 doesn’t want to grow up — and that’s perfectly fine.

IBM hopes 1 million diverse faces can reduce bias in AI – CNET

A more diverse data set can help advance fairness in facial recognition tech, says IBM.

Samsung’s One UI, which will power the Galaxy S10, makes US debut on the S9 – CNET

Samsung aims to make it easier for people to navigate their phones.